This fall I will be in Madison, Alabama and I hope the warm weather holds out long enough for me to NOT to be freezing outdoors. THE GREY BUTTON will be at the Madison Street Festival on October 6th and this will be my first time ever attending. I am also fortunate to have a booth (a big THANKS to my big sister for getting me the info) and I will be showing off and sellilng THE GREY BUTTON handbags and accessories! So, if you are in the area, please do come out and see us! Click here for more information about the festival. I will be sure to let you all know exactly where I'll be as the date gets close an I get the update!

And when did Starbucks become the official spokesperson for the introduction of FALL? I was in 100°+ Las Vegas heat but walked into the coffee shop and they're telling me it's fall. LOL. Pumpkin this.....spice that. I admit, I LOVE the fall food season but I need time to prepare my mind for the cold. I'm never ready!!! But I am excited to see what colors rise to the top this season. I was looking in my closet and I have lots of blues and orange-like garments so I'm excited to try to introduce some new hues in my wardrobe. Apparently I gravitate to the same colors..lol! But until my big shopping spree, I am going to stick to the basics with this red/white/black combo. There are some colors that just NEVER go out of style.

I was actually commissioned to make a "Crimson & Cream" bag for a Delta and this is what we came up with. I have been having fun creating accessories that allow you to tastefully represent your sororities. And although I'm not a member of any sorority, I enjoy getting in the spirit and styling some of those inspired bags! I almost felt like a delta for a day, ha ha! I was really reminded of the days when I would get dressed for the office and actually work with people..... seeing how most days I'm in leggings/tanks or straight up pajamas at work.
If you would like to represent your sorority with a customized bag CLICK HERE to get started!

Welcome Fall!

Stay tuned for lots of fall inpsired colors/prints. See you in in Madison, Alabama!
Did you miss it???
The "OFF WHITE" collection has sold out with the exception of a few Chaka clutches. Grab one before it's completely gone! Also, I will be selling the samples at a HUGE discount. *See additional pics for any defects. Shop the Sample Room!
This week I also highlighted this customized bag from a client and it has been all the talk! Get inspired, take a look!
host a show!
If you would like me to come to your town and want to host a Trunk Show / Pop-Up Shop let me know! I am LOVING connecting with you FACE TO FACE! Click here so we can chat!
The BEST and easiest way to keep up to date with all we are doing is on Instagram! Are you following us? Click here to see what we've been up to!
We would love it if you would share us with your friends and family! Thank you for all of your love and support!
need a photographer?
All images in this blog post were captured by Anthony Wallen of Anthony Wallen Photography.