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Writer's picture: NadiaNadia

This year I promised to hold myself accountable for the things that I say I want to do. I am tired of looking back and realizing that if I had only chipped away at those goals I could be crossing them off of the list by now. Well this year is going to be a different story!! I bought myself a really nice planner so that I can get all my thoughts out and organize myself. And OH MY GOODNESS it is already changing my life. I realized that for so long I have been trying to juggle EVERYTHING in my head and as a result I often times get anxiety........I always think I'm forgetting something. Many nights I'm unable to turn my thoughts off so I lay in the bed for hours wide awake. Well I have noticed that since I have been planning my days and writing my thoughts down in my new book {along with lots of doodling} I feel so much more relaxed. I've always known that for me planning/writing tasks out ahead of time gets me really motivated to cross them off as completed and in a timely manner. So I am glad to be doing this again. I believe I am also sleeping much better. AND I am getting SOOOOOOO much more accomplished each day because I'm working smarter. I've even managed to squeeze in some side projects.

So my book is one way I am holding myself accountable this year. But I also have an accountability partner. She is my best friend and also an entrepreneur. We talk almost daily to encourage each other, share ideas, and just all around support each other. We are so blessed to have one another in each of our corners! Well somehow, and without even formally discussing it, we decided that on Sunday evenings we would share a pic of our agenda for the previous week as a recap of what SHOULD have been completed, and then a pic of what's planned for the upcoming week. I am so loving this!!!! First of all, I feel a sense of urgency having somewhat of a deadline being that I have my bestie to answer to if I fail to send it. But it's also encouraging me to set time aside to actually think about the week ahead and plan it out effeciently. I can definitely say that NOT having to think about what's next each day has already helped my mentals. I'm less stessed out or worried. I'm even using my book to track some of my other daily goals like work outs and my water intake. Having everything in one place has got me so organized that I am off to a winning start in 2018!!

If you are interested in getting a planner so that you can be SUPER on top of it this year, you should check out the one I got. I got lucky and found the last grey one at Target...(I was SO happy!!) but they have an online store where you can even customize your book. The company is May Designs. Click here to see what they have...... so many different styles/colors!


The Chaka clutch is perfect for carrying my new planner. {Yes, I will be taking it with me EVERYWHERE!!} But even if you aren't carriying your little magic book, the Chaka cluch is a great addition to your outfit. I love that it's small enough to jazz up a bland outfit but doesn't take such a huge committment because of it's small size. We have several different prints to chose from and you can even request that we shop for something special for you. Plus they are affordable and not so hard on the wallets! This week we are highlighting this cute style by offering 20% off all Chaka clutches (Sample Room excluded). Use coupon code: CHAKA20. Click here to shop now!

I am extremely excited for this upcoming year! I have set many goals and can't wait to share them with you all! I will be pushing myself harder than I ever have before! You all can look forward to new styles coming this year. I plan on getting creative in the work room and even start working on some apparel and I will be sharing my journey along the way! As a matter of fact, if you don't follow us on social media you may have missed the video of me sketching what will be my first sewing project of the year. Here it is!


Don't forget about our Greyaway your order today and stretch your payments out over 6 months. No additional fees added. Click here for details!


The BEST and easiest way to keep up to date with all we are doing is on Instagram! Are you following us? Click here to see what we've been up to!


We want to expand our brand's reach.....that means that we need your help! Please share us with your family and friends! Share our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest!

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