Wow! Another new month already! Boy did this summer fly by so fast!!! On my run Monday morning I passed by the school bus and it dawned on me that this is the first time in 20 years that I didn't have a back to schooler. It's unbelievable! First off let me say that I don't even feel old enough......but then my daughter kindly reminded me that she's turning twenty in less than 5 days. OMG!!! It's like she's getting older and I'm getting younger! Almost every time we are out together people assume we are sisters and I have NO complaints. Let's see how long I can pull that off! LOL!

With my new found freedom from "babies" I will be pushing myself even harder! I'm actually pretty excited for the fall season. I have a couple of events already planned as well as a few trips that I will be sure to keep you all updated on so if I land in your city we can connect! I am also working on a bunch of new projects and will be adding new products to the line-up......so make sure you stay up with me on Instagram and Facebook!

If you aren't following me already on social media, you might be missing out on all the fun things that I've been up to this summer. Of course I went on vacation, but I am MOST excited about all the new clients I have been meeting.... and finally being able to put a REAL face to my Facebook friends since I've had the chance to hand deliver a couple of bags! If you missed it, I have added a couple of videos at the bottom of this post for you to catch up!

I can tell that I am getting into the fall mode of thinking because I've noticed I have already started going through my closet looking at my layering items. I also picked up a couple of jackets that were on sale over the summer that are SUPER cute and I can't wait to wear and share them! That means I am also starting to shop for autumn colored fabrics and leathers to get rolling on some new accessories! What colors are you all looking for this fall?? Let me know what you guys are thinking that way I can be sure to keep a watchful eye out as I am out visiting my vendors and picking up supplies!

Now, how much fun is this faux leather overally dress? I honestly feel like a teenager in it and that's probably because I snagged it from my daughter! LOL! I paired it with stripes and this paisly printed Chaka clutch that's available here! There was a time I wasn't so bold at mixing prints and now it's my favorite thing to do......not so boring OR safe! Taking risks! Nothing is off limits anymore! What are your favorite prints to mix?

CLIENT AMBUSH! If you're not keeping up with us on social media, here's what you missed this week! Meeting clients for the first time and hand delivery their bags!!!
New items have been added to the
Signature Logo Tee!

Oh no! We did not reach our goal! Unfortunately we did not reach our goal of 30 shirts so we will be postponing getting them made at this time. For those of you who have placed your orders please keep an eye out for a following email with additional options/refund. Thank you for your support and understanding.
host a show!
If you would like me to come to your town and want to host a Trunk Show / Pop-Up Shop let me know! I am LOVING connecting with you FACE TO FACE! Click here so we can chat!
The BEST and easiest way to keep up to date with all we are doing is on Instagram! Are you following us? Click here to see what we've been up to!
We would love it if you would share us with your friends and family! Thank you for all of your love and support!
need a photographer?
All images in this blog post were captured by RAY HOWARD of DrawRay Event Photography & Design