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Digging Deeper

Writer: NadiaNadia


Just when I think I have reached my limits, God lets me know that I have more in me if I just dig deeper. I'm always fussing about not having enough time in the day to get my forever growing list of things done but somethow I manage to keep adding more to the list and it gets done. A constant reminder that with God- ALL things are possible!


grab a shovel


I get up on weekdays and make sure that I get a good couple of miles in of either running or an aggressive speed walk. It's important for me to stretch my body out since I am usually haunched over a sewing machine or computer most of the day. A couple of months ago on my route a cute little old lady flagged me down and motioned me over to her side door. We talked for a short time with her inviting me inside and sharing stories of her late husband, kids and the adventures of the time she spent in Germany. It sounded like she'd lived a full and happy life. But now she lives alone and because she no longer drives {which she's adamant that her daughter STOLE her car} she feels stuck and often times very lonely. She asked me if I would stop every now and then just to check on her. My heart went out to her as I, she's asking a COMPLETE stranger to spend time with her.....where is her family? Of course I said YES, this could be me one day...... And since then I have been making it a point to stop on the last part of my walk to pop in on my new 88 year old friend, Marilise.


I been making my routine stops and chatting with Marilise. She's so spunky and quite a hilarious storyteller...even though she forgets a lot, and tells me the same story MANY times, I still enjoy listening. A couple of days ago on one of my visits she was deep into recalling a memory when all of a sudden Marilise broke down crying, confessing how she hates staying at home alone all day. I stood up to embrace her as she sobbed, promising to come by more to keep her company. To be honest there was a brief moment where I thought to myself...what did you just do?!! When are you going to find the time? But my next thought, aided by GOD's reassurance was, "I'll make time." There is always time to be of service to someone else....and in this case certainly an elder. We talked a little longer and when I got up to leave she gave me a great BIG hug and told me just how much she enjoyed our brief time together.


It's easy to find reasons why you can't do a number of things.... but this experience reminds me that there is always more digging for me to do. To be a better person, achieve those goals, help a neighbor, demonstrate love...there's always more! Two years ago I thought I had reached my max with no more to give.....and somehow I've been able to dig so deep I can't even believe where I'm at today! More than anything I am seeing the results of trusting and the importance of being a GIVER. GOD always provides the rest!







Don't Forget!

We will be in HUNTSVILLE/ MADISON for the Madison Street Festival on October 6th,

Make sure you come by our booth to show us some LoVe!


host a show!

If you would like me to come to your town and want to host a Trunk Show / Pop-Up Shop let me know! I am LOVING connecting with you FACE TO FACE! Click here so we can chat!


The BEST and easiest way to keep up to date with all we are doing is on Instagram! Are you following us? Click here to see what we've been up to!


We would love it if you would share us with your friends and family! Thank you for all of your love and support!


need a photographer?

All images in this blog post were captured by Ray Howard of


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