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Writer: NadiaNadia

Since the beginning of the year I have been racking my brain with figuring out what I need to do to take my business to the next level and I have a whole game plan! I've worked really hard getting it to where it is now but I am ready for all new challenges. I work well when I have set targets in my sight.


Right now I am doing pretty good for myself, crafting accessories everyday. I love being creative and being able to make things with these two little hands of mine. But I would be lying if I said I was content doing exactly what I've been doing everyday. I actually want more! Did you know when I started my fashion journey I never imagined I would be sewing every-single-day! Nope, the complete opposite actually. I remember being in school and day dreaming about being this big time fashion designer, traveling all over the world, attending fashion shows and booking photo shoots with well known photographers. LOL! I am still working on that dream. But most days I am waking up in the middle of the night burining the oil to get my projects done. Very exhausting but totally worth it as it's all moving toward the dream.


the dream


Chasing after dreams can be very tiring! Trust me, I know! I have had so many days where I question, if I should be even doing this at all? Or thinking, how much easier might it be to just go back to work for someone where I know I'll have a steady paycheck. But then I remember how I felt when I had that stable job. It wasn't enough. I wasn't a matter of fact I was MISERABLE! It's all the motivation I need to get my butt up and go to work!


And so I PUSH!


I have made a commitment to myself not to give up! I will NOT! All I have to do is get up daily and keep pushing forward. That has been my motto for the past 6 years and I have seen exactly what that type of determination can do. There was a time when leaving my corporate job didn't seem like a possibility. Now I'm working FULL TIME for myself and able to support my family with my craft. That's a TESTIMONY!


This is the year for growth... KEEP PUSHING!




The BUTTON FAMILY is the BEST! From day one you all have been encouraging me to push forward and I just want to say THANK YOU! Many of you have sent buttons and even encouraging words to show your support. Some have even taken the time to let me know how my story has inspired them to step out on faith to persue their dream. That is AMAZING!! This week, one of my "FACEBOOK friends" and member of the BUTTON FAMILY even launched her own intimate apparel line and I am so proud of her that I must give her a shout out!!! Her name is Tarrita Spicer and the name of her company is Shy Intimate Apparel. Click here to check her out and be sure to support her and spread the word!


host a show!

Last year I was blessed to be able to travel with THE GREY BUTTON to several cities and share my work. I enjoyed every bit of it! This year I would love to revisit those same cities as well as visit some new ones. If you would like to host a pop-up shop/bag party in MARYLAND or Southern CALIFORNIA, please let me know! This is the year of expansion and I'm going to need your help! Contact me here and let's talk!


The BEST and easiest way to keep up to date with all we are doing is on Instagram! Are you following us? Click here to see what we've been up to!


We would love it if you would share us with your friends and family! Thank you for all of your love and support!


need a photographer?

All images in this blog post were captured by Ray Howard of

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